6 Ways to Easily Write Great Long-Form SEO Content

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You might think that in the age of the internet, long-form content has no place, but you’d be wrong

Long-form posts are great because they dominate SEO (search engine optimization) and attract dozens of links.

They take a bit of time, planning, and effort, but are definitely worth the work.

You can make writing great long-form SEO content easier with these six tips.


Your Idea

content idea

Choose your topic carefully.

Think about what your audience is interested in reading and learning about.

Focus on topics that are:

  • In-demand,
  • Relevant to your niche,
  • And useful to your readers.

Search the ideas you are considering and see what comes up in the results.

You’ll be presented with the most popular articles related to your search terms, and this will give you some direction as to what to write about.

You can also find ideas by browsing popular blogs in your niche and seeing what topics and ideas have been trending in the past year.

Once you have some topic ideas you know people are interested in, make sure they are something you can write long-form content about.

Some topics just don’t warrant a long discussion and are best talked about in a short post.

Don’t forget to give your post a catchy title to get more visitors and shares.



Outline Your Goals and Content


Begin by asking yourself why you’re doing this.

  • What are your goals?
  • Are you helping to solve a common problem your audience has?
  • Do you want to increase your brand awareness?
  • Maybe you want to connect with customers or grow your email list?

Next, sketch out an outline for your content, doing this will make your writing much easier.

Your post’s structure and criteria will be a bit different depending on what kind of post you’re writing, be it:

  • “How-to,”
  • “List,”
  • “Guide,”


  • “Review” content.

Identify the core sections of your topic and assign them headings in your outline.

Then break down your sections into subsections, where you consider main sections in more detail.

The more thorough your outline is, the easier the writing will go and the better the quality will be.


Structure Your Post

Your long-form post will contain several different kinds of elements.

We’ve already talked about creating an outline with headings and subheadings, now we will go a bit more in-depth.

Structure your posts into paragraphs, as this is much easier for a reader to digest than a wall of text.

Make your sentences relatively short, and keep your paragraphs to no more than five sentences a piece.

People can be turned off by articles that are made up of two or three massive paragraphs.

It’s not necessarily the length of your article that scares readers off, it’s how you structure them.


Design Strategy

Design your post to be practical, as well as aesthetically pleasing.

When you’re creating your content, remember to include features such as sign-up forms, content flow, and social sharing buttons, and integrate them into your design.

Email sign-up buttons are important because they give more people access to your future content.

Be sure to include plenty of links to other relevant content you have created; the reader may not be interested in your long-form article but still enjoy another piece of content you’ve created.

Make it as easy as possible for them to get to it.


Get Help Writing Long-Form Content

Writing doesn’t come easily to everyone, so don’t hesitate to get some help from the professionals. Here are some good resources to get you started:

#1. Via Writing and State of Writing – These are helpful grammar resources you can use to check over your post to make sure it’s grammatically correct. It’s better to have your content checked then to risk publishing it with mistakes.

#2. UKWritings and Write My Paper – These are proofreading tools, recommended by UKTopWriters, you can access to make sure your content is polished and free of errors.

#3. Writing Populist and My Writing Way – Check out these writing blogs for ideas and advice on how to improve your long-form content. You’ll find lots of posts explaining how to write better SEO content.

#4. Essayroo and Academized – These are online editing tools, suggested by SimpleGrad in Academized review, you can use to check over your copy and make sure everything is grammatically correct.

#5. Academadvisor and LetsGoandLearn – These are writing guides you can access for help completing your long-form post. Even experienced writers can benefit from some extra help now and then.


Choose Your Keywords Wisely

Long-tail keywords are not the best idea for lengthy articles.

If you want to choose good keywords, consider factors such as search volume and the level of competition strength.

Search volume is a measure of how popular a search term is in a given country.

The more people searching for that keyword, the more visitors your page should get, and the more potential clients are exposed to your content.


Analyze the top ten results for your keyword. High ranking keywords will have lots of serious competition, so you’ll have to do some serious observation of their material to make yours even better. Long-form content is a good medium to use to beat the keyword competition – advises Martha Spangler, content writer at EliteAssignmentHelp



Writing long-form content takes a little longer, but it’s great for SEO and linking.

You also get a chance to really expound on a topic that interests you, which is a great deal more difficult to do in a short piece.

Make sure you:

  • Choose your topic carefully,
  • Outline your goals and content,
  • Structure your post well,
  • Design your content strategically,
  • Get online help writing and editing your piece,
  • And choose your keywords wisely.

Follow these six tips to easily write great long-form SEO content.

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