Tag: Permissions

  • Fake WordPrssAPI Stealing Cookies and Hijacking Sessions

    Fake WordPrssAPI Stealing Cookies and Hijacking Sessions

    Cookies are stored in the user’s browser to track behavior on a specific website. They also keep a user logged in during the active browsing session. Without cookies a user would need to log in, in order to authenticate every action they take. Essentially, cookies keep a user logged in until they either log out…

  • Learning From Buggy WordPress Wp-login Malware

    Learning From Buggy WordPress Wp-login Malware

    When a site gets hacked, the attack doesn’t end with the malicious payload or spam content. Hackers know that most website administrators will clean up the infection and look no further. Many go on to patch vulnerable software, change their passwords, and perform other post-hack steps. All of this is good, but hackers who follow…