Wordfence Is Now Defiant

Today we are announcing that our company name is changing to Defiant Inc. Over the past 5 years we have grown significantly and have expanded beyond WordPress. As a security organization, we now have a stable of products and services to offer our customers. To reflect this change, we are changing the name of the company that produces Wordfence to Defiant Inc.

Our new corporate website will be defiant.com. We have written a full announcement with more details on the Defiant.com blog. I recommend you head over there and read about this exciting change and where our company is headed.

I know that some of you may have questions about this change, so to put your minds at ease, I’m including a short FAQ about the name change below:

Why are you changing your company name?

For legacy reasons, until this point our company name has been Feedjit Inc. But that name has nothing to do with security or the products and services we offer. It is related to an old business we were in many years ago that provided real-time analytics services.

We have been growing so fast since the 2012 Wordfence launch that we never got around to changing our corporate name. Today, we are finally doing that, and we are very excited to announce our new company name, Defiant Inc., and our new corporate website at defiant.com.

Why didn’t you change the name to Wordfence Inc?

Our team provides a growing stable of products and services. You can read more about those on the Defiant website in our announcement. Some of those security products are not just for WordPress – they support Joomla, Magento and other platforms.

As we grow, and, in some cases, expand beyond WordPress, we need a company name that can be an umbrella for all of our products and services. Defiant Inc is that name and that umbrella. The defiant.com website is a jumping-off point where you can learn about everything our company does, get corporate news and learn about openings if you want to join our team.

Will this affect the Wordfence security plugin and the service I receive from Wordfence in any way?

Wordfence is our core business and our biggest source of revenue. It is therefore our main focus in everything that we do. Wordfence will continue to grow, and we will continue to deliver the amazing product development and customer service you have become accustomed to.

Did Wordfence just raise funding or close some kind of investment round? Did you get bought by someone?

Hell no! We are still an independent, profitable and growing company. The Defiant name should give you a clear picture of how independent we are and want to remain. We aren’t run by bankers, and we aren’t run by some mega-corp with tacky Super Bowl ads.

Kerry, Dan and I are still an independent and highly capable executive team. Along with our incredible engineering team and customer service team, we will continue to deliver awesome security for your website, your customers and your assets.

Can I be Defiant?

Yes you can. If you use any of our free or paid products, like Wordfence, Gravityscan, our site cleaning service, our security audit or if you chat with our customer service team on the free forums or in our Premium support system, you stand Defiant alongside us in protecting your website, your customers and your assets from hackers.

As always, I will be around to answer any questions you may have in the comments.

Mark Maunder – Defiant CEO.

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