Tag: Website SEO Spam

  • When Your Plugins Turn Against You

    When Your Plugins Turn Against You

    Every day we face countless cases of sites getting compromised and infected by an attacker. From there, the sites can be used for various operations like spam campaigns, malware spreading or simply to damage your SEO ranking among other events. The threat may not always come from outside though. There are occasions where we are…

  • WordPress REST API Vulnerability Abused in Defacement Campaigns

    WordPress REST API Vulnerability Abused in Defacement Campaigns

    WordPress 4.7.2 was released two weeks ago, including a fix for a severe vulnerability in the WordPress REST API. We have been monitoring our WAF network and honeypots closely to see how and when the attackers would try to exploit this issue the wild. In less than 48 hours after the vulnerability was disclosed, we…

  • WordPress Security – Fake TrafficAnalytics Website Infection

    WordPress Security – Fake TrafficAnalytics Website Infection

    Several months ago, our research team identified a fake analytics infection, known as RealStatistics. The malicious Javascript injection looks a lot like tracking code for a legitimate analytics service. RealStatistics even set up fake analytics websites designed to trick webmasters who took a few steps to investigate the unfamiliar script. Recently, a new variation of…

  • SEO Spam Campaign Exploiting WordPress REST API Vulnerability

    SEO Spam Campaign Exploiting WordPress REST API Vulnerability

    Just over a week ago, WordPress released version 4.7.3 to patch multiple security issues. Despite the automatic update feature provided by many hosting companies, there are still many WordPress websites that have not been updated. In fact, we are seeing quite a few sites that are still using versions 4.7 and 4.7.1, which are vulnerable…